Crazy Monkey Terms and Conditions 

The following terms and conditions are intended for use with all participants in lessons provided by Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.


Article 1: Definitions

Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam: the studio as mentioned on your registration form with whom you have made the agreement has its registered location at Westerstraat 158H, 1015 MP Amsterdam.

Phone: 020 233 9995.

Email: [email protected].

Agreement: a membership or class pass.

Member: the person who has made the agreement with Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.

NDA: Crazy Monkey Unilateral Confidentiality And Nondisclosure Agreement

Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam

Student Form: the registration form that is filled in to become a member



Article 2: Registration and Membership

a. Registration and Agreement. You can register with Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam by completing the Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam Student Form and agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions of Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.

b. Personal Membership. Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam membership is personal and not transferable.

c. Mandatory Agreement. It is not possible to join Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam without signing and agreeing to the terms and conditions.

d. Membership Fees and Payment Options.Crazy Monkey offers memberships to participate in the classes. All membership fees are due in advance and payable immediately when due. These must be made by direct debit or paid in person at Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.


Article 3: Membership, Term & Payment Conditions

a. Membership Period and Renewal. Memberships can be offered for a different period (other than one month), which is tacitly renewed one month at a time after the agreed term has expired.

b. Payment Information and Administration Fee. The customer is responsible for ensuring that their payment information is accurate and up-to-date at all times. In the event of a failed payment, Crazy Monkey Movement reserves the right to charge an administration fee of €25,- to cover the costs incurred by Crazy Monkey Movement.

c. Non-Payment Consequences. As long as the Crazy Monkey member does not meet the payment, he / she is not authorized to participate in the lessons of Crazy Monkey Movement.

d.  Membership Fee Adjustments. In response to economic changes such as inflation, Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam reserves the right to annually review and adjust membership fees if necessary. Members will be notified in writing at least 30 days in advance of any price changes. Members who do not agree with the revised rates have the right to terminate their membership according to the standard cancellation terms.

e. No Refunds for Class Packs and Memberships. All sales of class packs and memberships are final. Refunds for class packs or memberships will not be provided under any circumstances, including but not limited to non-usage, relocation, or dissatisfaction with services provided.

f. Membership Pause Option. Members are entitled to pause their membership once annually for a period ranging from 1 to maximally 2 months.



Article 4: Opening Hours

a. Opening Hours and Class Schedule Changes. Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam reserves the right to change the opening hours and class schedule. This applies to physical and online classes.

b. Holiday Closures. Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam is entitled to be closed on official and unofficial holidays.


Article 5: Unlawful use Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam material

a. Prohibited Use of Crazy Monkey Material. The member is forbidden to use the Crazy Monkey material for financial gain in his own personal training activities, lessons, workshops, etc. without the permission of Crazy Monkey.

b. Consequences of Unauthorized Use. If the member violates this agreement, Crazy Monkey is entitled to terminate the agreement immediately and to deny the persons participation in the lessons and activities. In this case, there will be no refund.


Article 6: Right of withdrawal

a. Withdrawal Period. If the agreement has been entered into with Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam, the member/user has a withdrawal period of 14 days. This cancellation period commences on the day after the agreement is concluded.

b. Notification for Right of Withdrawal. To make use of the right referred to in sub a of this article, the member/user must unequivocally inform Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam by post (Westerstraat 158, 1015 MP Amsterdam), email [email protected], such under mention of: (i) the service agreement that the member/user wishes to revoke and (ii) the name and address details of the user.


Article 7: Method of Termination of Contract and Terms

a. Termination Process via Email. The agreement must be terminated via an (i) email ([email protected]) with subject: TERMINATION MEMBER <NAME> followed by 1. the first month of termination & 2. reason for termination.

b. Membership Cancellation Timing. The member may cancel the agreement with Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam by the end of the membership period agreed on the Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam membership.

c. Notice Period for Termination. Termination of the contract in accordance with sub a of this article is subject to a 1-month notice period.


Article 8: Risk and Liability

a. Assumption of Risk: The use of equipment, participation in programs, courses, and any activities offered by Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam carry inherent risks. By engaging in these activities, members acknowledge that they are assuming these risks entirely at their own discretion and responsibility. Members further acknowledge that they have been informed of and agree to adhere to all safety rules, guidelines, or instructions provided by Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.

b. Release from Liability: Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam, including its employees and any other individuals assisting with its activities, shall not be held liable for any material or immaterial damage resulting from accidents or injuries sustained by the member and/or third parties during the course of participation. This includes but is not limited to injuries or damages incurred on the premises, during training sessions, or while using equipment. Participants are encouraged to exercise caution and adhere to safety guidelines. Members explicitly waive any claims related to negligence on the part of Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam.

c. Property Protection: Crazy Monkey, its employees, and any other assistants shall not be held liable for any damage, loss, or theft of personal property belonging to the member and/or third parties while on the premises or during participation in activities. Members are advised to secure their belongings and exercise vigilance in safeguarding their personal property.

d. Informed Consent: By engaging in activities at Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam, members acknowledge their understanding of the inherent risks involved, have made an informed choice to participate voluntarily, and have been informed of all safety guidelines. Members further agree not to hold Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam, its employees, or any other assistants responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred during their participation in any of Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam's activities.

e. Indemnification: Members also acknowledge that they are responsible for any associated medical expenses and agree to indemnify and hold Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam harmless from any claims or liabilities arising from their actions or participation.

f. Emergency Medical Care: In case of injuries, members understand and agree to follow the procedures for obtaining emergency medical care, and they are responsible for any associated medical expenses.

Jurisdiction and Venue: Any legal disputes arising from this agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction and venue as specified by the laws of the Netherlands.


Article 9: Complaints Handling

a. Complaints Procedure.  In case of complaints regarding the (execution of) services of Crazy Monkey Movement Amsterdam, the member can send a complaint mail to: [email protected]. The Member must in any case state: (i) his/her contact details & (ii) a clear description of the complaint.

b. Resolution of Disputes. In the event of disputes or issues between members and Crazy Monkey staff, efforts should be made to resolve the matter amicably through direct communication with our team. Crazy Monkey reserves the right to terminate memberships if resolutions cannot be achieved, ensuring a positive environment for all members


Article 10: Class Cancellation Policy

a. 12-Hour Cancellation: Cancellations must be made at least 12 hours before the scheduled class to avoid a cancellation fee. This can be done through our online booking system, or by sending an email to [email protected],

b. Late Cancellation and No-Show: Cancellations made within 12 hours of the class start time or failure to attend a booked class will result in the forfeiture of the class credit or a fee of €10 for unlimited members.